Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are parishioners with a deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist who assist the parish clergy with the distribution of Communion at parish Masses. To qualify for this ministry a parishioner must be:
• Weekly Communicant
• At least eighteen years of age
• If married, marriage must be according to the laws of the Catholic Church
• Living a life both in the parish and the community in conformity with Gospel values and the teaching of the Catholic faith
Training for new Eucharistic Ministers is conducted every spring by the Diocese of Fall River.
Eucharistic Ministers are also needed for parish shut-ins and to assist at Cape Cod Hospital. Interested parishioners should call the Parish Office (508)-945-0677.
Altar servers are young parishioners, both male and female, who help the priest and the deacon at the celebration of the Liturgy. They assist the celebrant by holding the sacred text and vessels, and provide for the smooth carrying out of the liturgy. Servers must have received their First Communion. Interested parishioners may call the Parish Office (508)-295-2411.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a parish-based international Catholic charitable society. They help the materially and spiritually poor of our parish regardless of religious affiliation. Those needing assistance should contact the society through their help line by calling (508) 237-7983. Parishioners interested in joining the society should call the Parish Office (508)-945-0677.
Blessed Pope Paul VI Council 7312 is the local chapter of the Knights of Columbus, the largest international Catholic men’s fraternal order. In addition to Holy Redeemer Parish the local council covers the neighboring parishes of Holy Trinity, W. Harwich and Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster. The council regular meetings are held at Holy Trinity in W. Harwich. The Knights actively conduct social programs, give financial support to the three parishes and work for the welfare of the wider Lower Cape community. Please contact the Parish Office (508)-945-0677 for more information.
God calls all the faithful to assume the call to universal priesthood. That however does not deny the need for the sacramental priesthood to celebrate the Sacraments for the Church. Our secular culture at times discourages faithful men and women from listening to the voice of God calling men to priesthood or religious life and young women from the consecrated life.
The Holy Redeemer Vocations Awareness team works to encourage parishioners to give prayerful and material support to any parishioner who might be considering God’s call to the priesthood or religious life. It also works to do the same by supporting the seminarians of the Fall River Diocese as they discern their call to priesthood. Please contact the Parish Office (508)-945-0677 for more information.
Members of Liberty Commons assist the parish clergy at Masses held at the two nursing homes in the parish. Members help nursing home personnel gather residents for Mass, assist at Mass, and distribute communion to residents confined to their rooms. Nursing home Masses are celebrated on the second and third Mondays of each month at 2:00PM. Interested parishioners should call the Parish Office (508) 945-0677.
9 Days for Life
For more information, visit the following website:
Lectors assist by proclaiming the Word of Sacred Scripture during the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. A candidate for lector should have a deep reverence for the Word of God which they desire to share with all the faithful. They should have the ability to present the Word with dignity and clarity. Interested parishioners should call the Parish Office (508)-945-0677.
The Mission of the HRWC is to grow spiritually in our common faith and offer an environment of caring, charity and fellowship. Our objectives are to promote and strengthen the spiritual as well as the social life of our members, to provide financial assistance to the church and designated charities, and to fund scholarships as well as to participate in community and ecumenical programs.
The Holy Redeemer Women’s Club welcomes all ladies of our Parish to join us in our monthly meetings. held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from September to May. The time of the meeting changes during the year, but all meeting notices are published in the bulletin. We are especially proud of our caring and camaraderie. We host many fun events during the year when we work side by side to help our parish and community while fostering enduring friendships among our membership. We sponsor seasonal bake sales, Christmas greenery and cookie sales, apple-pie making, Easter baskets to be given to the Chatham Food Pantry, interesting guest speakers, help for St. Joseph’s House (formerly the Noah Shelter) in Hyannis and have lots of fun preparing chili suppers as a fundraiser.
We look forward to greeting new members. Our President is Sheila Nugent and her great team includes Maura Cook, Recording Secretary, Maureen Bellucci, Corresponding Secretary and Mary Ellen Boudreau as Treasurer. Please come to a meeting soon and find out what the Holy Redeemer Women’s Club is all about!
The death of a loved one is an intense and painful experience for most people. Having the right support makes all the difference and here at Holy Redeemer we want to make the difference by reaching out and helping members and families through the grief cycle.
Mission: To minister to grieving parishioners and their families through various means of loving support and comfort.
Scope of Ministry:
Attend the loved one’s funeral and help in any way possible.
Greet attendees at the entrance of the church
Help families participate in the Mass
If requested, host a colation in the church hall
Holy Redeemer Bereavement Support Group:
Family members are invited to attend our 6 week support sessions entitled,
“Journey From Grief to Hope”
..."We do not grieve as those who have no hope"….Thess 4:13
If you are interested please call the Parish Office (508) 945-0677.
Forty-five years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade case legalized the abortion of unborn children in our country. Since that date an estimated 58 million abortions have been committed in just the United States.
Respect for the sanctity of human life from the womb to the tomb is under attack in other areas too. In 2012 Massachusetts voters narrowly defeated a ballot question that would have legalized euthanasia. Legislation proposing the legalization of this practice is due for possible consideration in the Massachusetts Legislature this year.
The Holy Redeemer Pro-Life group has the role of educating the parish and the wider community on respect for life issues not only abortion and euthanasia but capital punishment, social issues such as hunger and other quality of life issues. Please contact the Parish Office (508)-945-0677.