Commemorating 9/11 Attack

This weekend is the anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attack on our country. Those who experienced that day have vivid memories of that day and experience a renewed sense of loss. Some of us lost family, neighbors, or friends in the attack. On this anniversary, pray for the repose of the souls of those who died and an end to violence.

Prayer for the Anniversary of 9/11

O God, our hope and refuge,
in our distress, we come quickly to you.
Shock and horror of that tragic day have subsided,
replaced now with an emptiness,
a longing for an innocence lost.

We come remembering those who lost their lives
in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania.

We are mindful of the sacrifice of public servants
who demonstrated the greatest love of all
by laying down their lives for friends.
We commit their souls to your eternal care
and celebrate their gifts to a fallen humanity.

We come remembering
and we come in hope,
not in ourselves, but in you.

As foundations we once thought secure have been shaken,
we are reminded of the illusion of security.
In commemorating this tragedy,
we give you thanks for your presence
in our time of need
and we seek to worship you in Spirit and in truth,
our guide and our guardian.


- Rev. Jeremy Pridgeon

Annual Collection Progresses

The Holy Redeemer Parish Annual Collection is approaching its final days. It will end on Sunday, October 3, 2021. Registered parishioners recently received a follow-up mailing. Extra pledge cards are available in the pews for those who did not receive one. Please prayerfully consider the amount of your donation to this year's Annual Collection. As of Tuesday, ----- parish households have donated $ --- to the collection.

K of C Membership Drive

Pope St. Paul VI Council of the Knights of Columbus is conducting a membership drive this weekend. The Knights of Columbus is the largest fraternal men's organization in the Catholic Church. They have a dedication to works of charity with the disabled, pro-life activity, and evangelization. If you have never become a Knight or would like to re-activate your past membership, please stop and discuss membership with one of the knights today. They will be offering coffee and donuts to all parishioners after Masses this weekend. Stop by and share some fellowship today.

Scientific Evidence of God

The secular world often tries to contend there is a conflict between faith and science. They overlook the reality that many great scientists have been and are people of faith. The Catholic Schools Alliance of the Diocese of Fall River is sponsoring a talk by Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, on There is Scientific Evidence of God's Existence. The lecture will be held at the Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium, 373 Elsbree Street, Fall River, MA, Thursday, November 18, 2021, from 7-8:30 PM. There is no admission charge. The topic is interesting to students in grades 6-12, college students, parents, grandparents, and educators.

Fr. Spitzer is a renowned Jesuit philosopher of ontology and science. He has made numerous television appearances on programs such as Larry King Live, The Today Show, The History Channel's "God and the Universe, PBS "Closer to the Truth," and his own EWTN series "Father Spitzer's Universe." To reserve a seat, RSVP to or call (508) 687-7301.

Respect Life Kick-Off Conference

The Family and Respect Life Office plans an October Respect Life Month Kick-Off Conference for Saturday, October 9, 2021, from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM at St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747. The day will begin with Mass, Morning Refreshments, Feature Talks, Q&A Panel Discussion, ending with a light lunch. There is a $5 entrance fee collected at the door. Please RSVP to the Family and Respect Life Office @ or phone (508)669-7966 by October 5, 2021.

Holy Redeemer Parish is also looking for a parishioner to serve as a parish liaison to the Family and Respect Life Office. If you would like to volunteer, please call Fr. Sullivan at the Parish Office (508)-945-0677.

Please also save the date of Sunday, October 3, 2021. Bishop Edgar da Cunha will be the celebrant of the Annual Pro_Life Month Mass at 10:30 AM at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Fall River. The Mass is in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus of the diocese.

Holy Cross Retreat House Reopens

The Holy Cross Retreat House in N. Easton will reopen in September after a pandemic-caused hiatus. The retreat house hosts Matt Talbot Retreats for those recovering from addiction and Cursillos for men and women seeking a closer encounter with Jesus Christ in a small Christian community settling. For more information about these retreats, visit their website: or call them at (508) 238-5051.

LaSalette Apparition Anniversary

Next Sunday, September 19, 2021, the Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSallette celebrate the 150th anniversary of Our Lady's appearance at LaSalette, France. Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Vatican Apostolic Nuncio, will preside at a 12:10 PM Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Lassalette Shrine, 947 Park Street, Attleboro, MA. Pray for our neighbors at Our Lady of the Cape Parish and their priest as they celebrate this landmark faith.

Adult Confirmation Program

The Diocese of Fall River will be conducting an Adult Confirmation Program this Fall. Plans are for both Zoom and in-person sessions. Zoom sessions are planned for Thursday evenings, Oct. 7-Nov. 18 from 6:30-8:00. In-person sessions will be held at St. Julie Billiart Parish Hall, 494 Slocum Road, N. Dartmouth, on Saturday mornings from 10 AM-12 Noon, October 16, November 6, and December 4. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred on December 9, 2021, at 7:00 PM at St. Mary's Cathedral. There is a $45 registration fee. For more information, call the Parish Office (508)-945-0677)